Welcome To Our Moringa Jordan Store!
#المورينجا_الاردنية #علامة_تجارية متميزة دائما ضمن سلسلة المنتجات الغذائية التي تساعد في رفع مناعة الجسم وتعمل كحاجز صد ضد ما يحاول اختراق أجسادنا واجساد أبناءنا من أمراض
المورينجا الأردنية انتاج اردني بامتياز ١٠٠% يجمع بين الجودة والحرفية في الانتاج
نرتقي بدعمكم المتواصل لنا ولمنتجاتنا التي تعدت ١٢ منتج غذائي وتجميلي
The Jordanian Moringa is a success story for a Jordanian leading girl (Arwa Salem) whose journey with the Jordanian Moringa tree since 2015 began with scientific research and knowledge in cooperation with the National Center for Agricultural Research, and here it is following its steps She became artistic by exploiting the qualities of this miracle tree, which is characterized as one of the most powerful supplements globally rated super food, enriched with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that help raise the body’s immunity and gain health and wellness. For easy intake of benefits from Moringa, she added it to Jordanian wheat bread and thyme, and original honey, and whoever eats these products is healthy and well.